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Whether you’re an owner of a Big Box, grocery or home improvement store, your retail displays can speak volumes to the type of business you have. The visibility of your retail displays and how they appear in the store can set your store apart from competitors.
Look around your store and take an audit of your retail displays. Factor in these ideas to gain a deeper understanding of what your retail displays say about your store:
Many materials can make up a retail display. Metal, plastic and wood are three popular items used in display fixtures. However, it’s important to remember that your display’s goal is to sell an item. While you should absolutely build beautiful displays, you don’t want the fixture to overdo the products that are on it.
Sometimes retailers forget this principle and go over-the-top with how they design their retail displays. Consumers can get confused and walk right by instead of stopping to check out the merchandise.
Think about showcasing your products, not overshadowing them, when designing a display. Or when a display arrives at your location, consider how merchandise is appearing. Is there a way to make the product stand out? Where in the store will the display benefit from the best visibility? Don’t miss out on an opportunity. Let the branding guide consumers to the sale.
Whether you need basic pegboard gondolas, or stunning intricate fixtures, working with a professional display company will yield your best results – from the initial design to placement.
How you set up your store can be a giveaway of what type of store you are. For instance, a grid-like pattern is common in a grocery store. A grid layout has fixtures run parallel to the walls so that shoppers use a cart to walk up and down the aisles.
Whereas a loop layout is similar to a race track pattern, where the main aisle circles through the store. A loop layout is often used by electronics stores or some Big Box stores.
The way your store is set up directly relates to how you organize your displays. If you have fixtures lined up against the walls, than these displays are one-sided. However if your displays are in the middle of your store, they can be double-sided.
To learn everything you need to know about what store layout works for you, check out this article.
The different kinds of retail displays you have in house also show the type of store you are. End cap displays are popular at convenience and grocery stores. Clothing displays are typically found in department stores.
How many varying types of retail displays do you have in your store? How often do you move these around and test purchase volumes?
Figuring out what types of retail displays work best for sales can help cater your future display design decisions.
Some stores offer little to no signage, color or visual elements as customers enter the store. This could be your first mistake. Let people know the experience that they are embarking on. Do you have big sales going on with certain retail displays? Create in-store signage up front to direct consumers where to go.
Keep in mind, most shoppers travel to the right when they enter the store. Create in-store signage that directs them that way. And place some of your stronger retail displays toward the right side of your store.
Ready to make your next quality retail display? We’re ready to get to work.